Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

harvest moon save the homeland guide just 4 share part 1

        | H A R V E S T  M O O N:   S A V E  T H E  H O M E L A N D |

             GENRE:  ADVENTURE
           CREATOR:  NATSUME Copyright 2001
AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ:  Kevin Butler AKA War Doc
            E-MAIL:  kevinb(at)technologist(dot)com
       FAQ VERSION:  1.08


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


 1.  Legal Stuff
 2.  Version Information
 3.  Acknowledgements
 4.  Welcome
 5.  Overview


 6.  The Endings


 7.  Getting Started
 8.  Taking Control

     8.1  The Controls
     8.2  The Status Screen
     8.3  Status Screen Inside House


 9.  The Endings

     9.1  Azure Swallowtail, The
     9.2  Bluebird, The
     9.3  Cake Contest, The
     9.4  Endangered Weasel, The
     9.5  Fishy Story, A
     9.6  Goddess Dress, The
     9.7  Horse Race, The
     9.8  Treasure Hunt I, The
     9.9  Treasure Hunt II, The

10.  Logical Approach to Endings


11.  You are Here, and Lost

     11.1  Goddess Lake Area
     11.2  Cafe and Bar Area
     11.3  Carpentry Area
     11.4  Supermarket Area
     11.5  Your Farm
     11.6  Tool and Flower Shop Area
     11.7  Farmer's Shop Area
     11.8  Clove Villa Area

12.  Foraging and Fishing
13.  Shopping Fun
14.  The Townspeople
15.  Tools of the Trade
16.  Farming and Wildlife

     16.1  Crops
     16.2  Chickens
     16.3  Cows
     16.4  Dog
     16.5  Horse

17.  Guide to Cooking

     17.1  Frying Pan
     17.2  Pot
     17.3  Oven

18.  Gaining Even More Energy
19.  Complaining About the Weather


20.  Conclusion


To find a particular chapter or subchapter do the following:

1.  Highlight the chapter or subchapter name you wish to find.
2.  Press CTRL-C
3.  Press CTRL-F
4.  Press CTRL-V
5.  Press CTRL-F
5.  You will arrive at the desired chapter or subchapter.


********************************* U N I T  I **********************************
| 1.  LEGAL STUFF |============================================================

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal
private use.  It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advanced permission from the author.  Use of this guide on
any other web sit or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and
a violation of copyright.  All content in this guide is Copyright 2003 by
Kevin Butler.  Only the sites listed below have permission to publish this
work or to display it:

If you wish to put this guide on your site, e-mail me and ask.  Save yourself
the headache of putting up with lawsuits and whatnot because you failed to ask
a simple "Can I post your guide on ?".  If you wish to use info
in this guide, please acknowledge that you have done so.

If you see this guide on any other site then the one listed above, please
e-mail me.  If you wish to ask questions or give input to this guide, please
e-mail me.  Just have Harvest Moon:  STH as the subject so I know it isn't
another kooky vendor trying to sell me hair gel or another XXX site telling me
I have new friends.

| 2.  VERSION INFORMATION |====================================================

Version 1.0    7/16/03:  A guide is born.

Version 1.02   7/16/03:  Fixed a couple of formatting mistakes.

Version 1.05   7/22/03:  Fixed some TOC errors.
                         Fixed up the "Finding chapters or subchapters" area.
                         Updated acknowledgements area.
                         Updated chapters 12, 16.5, 17.1, and 18.

Version 1.07   7/23/03:  Added IGN to the allowed list.

Version 1.08  12/10/04:  Added to the allowed list.
| 3.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS |=======================================================

The following are a list of people or organizations that have made this FAQ

My wonderful family (who has had to put up with the tapping on the keyboard)
Chad Gibbons for the King of the Lake update in chapter 12 and the rumored
power berry in chapter 18.
lephi85 for the sandwich recipes in chapter 17.1
Natsume for making a great adventure game
GameFAQ's for putting up this FAQ

| 4.  WELCOME |================================================================

Welcome to my FAQ for Harvest Moon:  Save the Homeland.  Since this is an
adventure game, there is no walkthrough per se.  Instead, this FAQ is broken up
into parts.  First you will be given an explanation of choices you have for
playing the game.  Next, you will be given all the possible commands you can
give with a brief description of what those commands are.  The last part is
dedicated to strategy.  This strategy will give you an idea on how to fulfill
the various endings associated with the game.  Input is appreciated along with
constructive criticism.  If you wish to e-mail me thoughts on this FAQ, better
ways of doing things, other strategies, etc., feel free.  Make sure you put
Harvest Moon:  STH FAQ in the subject.  If you don't, I'm liable to discard the
e-mail as spam.

| 5.  OVERVIEW |===============================================================

Harvest Moon:  Save the Homeland takes place in a mythical place (got to love
games that start like this).  Anyway, your grandfather passed away and left
instructions for you to come out to the country to make sure his farm was doing
good.  Unknown to you, though, the small town that this farm is located in is
in danger of being developed over.  That's right, those heartless developers
want to increase the tourism to the area so they are going to level the town to
put in casinos, a resort, and other things to make it a real moneymaker.  You
now have a mission to accomplish.  That mission is to prevent the town from
being turned into a commercial mecca of tourism and sin.  You have nine ways to
making this a reality to accomplish your mission.  Good luck.

******************************** U N I T  II **********************************

| 6.  THE ENDINGS |============================================================

Harvest Moon:  Save the Homeland requires you to complete one of nine possible
endings to ensure that the town doesn't get covered in concrete.  The
strategies for completing these endings is in Chapter 9.  Each ending requires
you to fulfill certain requirement in order to get the desired ending.  Since
the game is non-linear, you could end up with more then one ending waiting in
the wings.  The endings are (in alphabetical order) listed below:

Azure Swallowtail, The
Bluebird, The
Cake Contest, The
Endangered Weasel, The
Fishy Story, A
Goddess Dress, The
Horse Race, The
Treasure Hunt I, The
Treasure Hunt II, The

******************************** U N I T  III *********************************

| 7.  GETTING STARTED |========================================================

Once the game has loaded, you will be presented with the following screen:

|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                  HARVEST                                    |
|                                   MOON                                      |
|                           +-------------------+                             |
|                           | Save the Homeland |                             |
|                           +-------------------+                             |
|                                                                             |
|                               +----------+                                  |
|                               |  Start   |                                  |
|                               | Continue |                                  |
|                               |  Option  |                                  |
|                               +----------+                                  |
|                                                                             |


This command allows you to start a new game.


Continue a saved game.


This choice allows you to custom tailor your playing environment.  You can do
the following things:

Audio:  Choose between stereo or mono sound.

Vibration:  Turn the vibration on or off on the controller.

| 8.  TAKING CONTROL |=========================================================

/ 8.1  The Controls /__________________________________________________________

The controls for getting around and using items in the game are pretty simple.
They are:

               >>> CHARACTER <<<

| BUTTON INVOLVED    | RESULT                  |
| LEFT ANALOG STICK  |                         |
| OR                 | WALK/RUN                |
| DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD |                         |
| TRIANGLE           | CENTER VIEW             |
| SQUARE             | USE A SELECTED ITEM     |
| X                  | ACTION/EQUIP            |
| CIRCLE             | CANCEL/GO BACK          |
| R1                 | SCROLL THROUGH ITEMS    |
| R2                 | SCROLL THROUGH TOOLS    |
| L1                 | CALL YOUR DOG           |
| L2                 | CALL YOUR HORSE         |
| SELECT             | VIEW BIG MAP            |

                >>> FISHING <<<

| BUTTON INVOLVED    | RESULT                  |
|                    | AT WATER OR CHANGE      |
|                    | REELING IN A FISH       |
| SQUARE             | SETS YOU UP TO FISH     |
| X                  | CAST LINE INTO LAKE     |
|                    | (THE LONGER YOU HOLD,   |
|                    | THE FARTHER YOU CAST.   |
|                    | IT REELS IN A FISH      |
| CIRCLE             | QUIT FISHING            |

                 >>> FLUTE <<<

| BUTTON INVOLVED    | RESULT                  |
| SQUARE             | PREPARE FLUTE FOR       |
|                    | PLAYING                 |
| X                  | PLAY FLUTE (KEEP        |
|                    | PRESSED DOWN WHILE      |
|                    | USING DIRECTIONAL KEY-  |
|                    | PAD TO MAKE MUSIC)      |

/ 8.2  The Status Screen /_____________________________________________________

Whenever you press the START button, the following screen will come up:

|                                                                       |
|   +-----------------------+   +-----------+ +---------+  +---------+  |
|   | CURRENT DAY OF WEEK   |   | CONDITION | |   ITEM  |  |   TOOL  |  |
|   | AND TIME              |   |           | |         |  |         |  |
|   +-----------------------+   +-----------+ +---------+  +---------+  |
|                                                                       |
|   +-----------------------+   +--------+--------+--------+--------+   |
|   |         MONEY         |   |        |        |        |        |   |
|   +-----------------------+   |        |        |        |        |   |
|                               +--------+--------+--------+--------+   |
|   +-----------------------+   |        |        |        |        |   |
|   |       BELONGINGS      |   |        |                 |        |   |
|   +-----------------------+   +--------+  TOOLS OR ITEMS +--------+   |
|   |          TOOL         |   |        |                 |        |   |
|   +-----------------------+   |        |        |        |        |   |
|   |        KEY ITEM       |   +--------+--------+--------+--------+   |
|   +-----------------------+   |        |        |        |        |   |
|                               |        |        |        |        |   |
|                               +--------+--------+--------+--------+   |
|                                                                       |


This is the current month (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) and the day of that
month.  Also listed is the current day of the week (Sunday through Saturday)
and the current time (0:00a to 11:59p).


What your current condition is.  When the face is aggressive looking and
pink/red, then you are in top condition.  The face will change colors to a
yellow, then to a less aggressive look, then it will sink halfway down.  This
indicates that you are running out of energy and are fatigued.  You can combat
this fatigue by sleep or by eating.  If the face is blue, then you are sick and
you will need to take medicine or you won't function very long.


The item you have currently selected.  When you press the R1 button, you will
automatically be holding that item.


Same as current item.  It is the tool you have currently selected.  When you
press the R2 button, you will automatically be holding that tool.  The list of
tools is in Chapter 15.


How much gold you currently have.


A graphical representation of all your items.  These pictures are located in
the Tools or Items area of the screen.

| TOOL |

A graphical representation of all your tools.  These pictures are located in
the Tools or Items area of the screen.


A graphical representation of the key items needed to complete an ending.
These pictures are located in the Tools or Items area of the screen.

/ 8.3  Status Screen Inside House /____________________________________________

When you go to your nightstand in your house and push the X button, a menu
comes up.  When you choose Status Screen, this is what comes up:

|                                                                       |
|                  +------------+   +--------------------------------+  |
|   STATUS SCREEN  | MONTH  DAY |   | POWER BERRY                    |  |
|                  +------------+   |                                |  |
|                                   | FISH                           |  |
|                  FARM NAME        | LENGTH OF LONGEST FISH         |  |
|  +----------------------------+   |                                |  |
|  |                            |   |               SILVER FISH ICON |  |
|  | MONEY                      |   +--------------------------------+  |
|  |                            |                                       |
|  | COW                        |   +---ED---------------------------+  |
|  |                            |   |                                |  |
|  | CHICKEN                    |   |        ICONS REPRESENTING      |  |
|  |                            |   |        ENDINGS COMPLETED       |  |
|  | DOG:  DOG'S NAME           |   |                                |  |
|  |       DOG'S HEARTS         |   |                                |  |
|  |                            |   |                                |  |
|  | HORSE:  HORSE'S NAME       |   |                                |  |
|  |         HORSE'S HEARTS     |   |                                |  |
|  +----------------------------+   +--------------------------------+  |
|                                                                       |


Current month and day.


How many power berries (out of 5) that you have.  There is more about how to
obtain the Power Berries in Chapter 18.

| FISH |

Total number of fish that you have caught.  Below it is a number (in inches) of
the longest fish that you have caught.  Also, if you have completed the "A
Fishy Story" ending, an icon with a silver fish will be in the lower right
corner of this box.

| ED |

Icons representing the endings that you have completed.


I lumped all these things together under this one heading.  This basically
tells you how much money you have and how many chickens and cows you have.  It
also tells you how well you get along with your dog and horse (if you have
them).  In addition, it tells the mood of your cow(s) and/or chicken(s).

******************************** U N I T  IV **********************************

| 9.  THE ENDINGS |============================================================

There are nine different endings to Harvest Moon:  Save the Homeland.  In order
to make it to a particular ending, you must fulfill certain criteria.  These
criteria can range from getting to know specific characters real well to col-
lecting specific objects.

Keep in mind, many of the characters in this game can be involved in more then
one ending.  For example: Kurt, the Carpenter's Apprentice, is involved in both
the Azure Swallowtail and a Fishy Story.  It is up to you to decide on what
ending you wish to pursue.  Of course, you may get frustrated trying to get to
one ending so you very well may end up finishing the game with a different
ending then what you started with.

I have attempted to be as detailed as possible in regard to what you must do
to successfully complete an ending.  The endings are event controlled.  As I
have mentioned before, you must do certain things in order to trigger these
events.  Sometimes the events don't happen at once but occur over a period of
game time (days sometimes weeks later).  I have listed the ending in alpha-
betical order.

Once you complete an ending, the game isn't over yet.  You still have more
endings to go through.  What happens is that the game will ask if you wish to
reset the character data.  Resetting basically means that you keep everything
you have acquired during the game (such as housing additions, animals, money,
etc.).  This is why as you progress through the endings, they become easier
since you don't lose anything (even the number of fish you caught will keep
adding).  The only thing that changes is that all the people will treat you
like a stranger again.  This means you have to re-establish relationships all
over again for each reset.  You will also start at Spring day 2 since day 1 was
the Goddess and Harvest Sprites giving you a briefing, which you won't need

Keep in mind, these are the sequence of scenes for each ending.  If you don't
happen to get a particular scene, there may be something that you still aren't
doing.  If you get stuck, try talking to all the townspeople, even giving them
gifts if necessary.  Eventually, the ending will continue.  Also, keep in mind
as I mentioned before that you may activate other endings by being friendly
with specific, key characters.  Just keep focused on the ending you are going

Another indicator is that what the characters tell you may change.  This isn't
always an indicator but it will give you a good idea if you are on the right
path or not.

The best way to use this portion of the FAQ is to briefly read through the
desired ending.  Some paragraphs are long due to long cut scenes.  After you
have scanned the ending, play through the game using the FAQ as a quick
reference to ensure you are going the right direction.

The format I will use is as follows:

Ending Name.
Who's involved:  Who is involved in the ending.
Steps you must take to ensure successful completion of said ending.  I will
also include a brief outline of cutscenes you will see when you have fulfilled
a criteria of an ending.  Cutscenes will be denoted by CS.

Now, let us save our homeland.

/ 9.1  Azure Swallowtail, The /________________________________________________

Who's involved:  Kurt, Lyla, and Parsley

-  To start this ending, give Kurt tomatoes.  One day, when you go to the
   Carpentry area, a CS will happen.  In this CS, Kurt will talk about the
   Azure Swallowtail and how they haven't been to this area for a long time.
   He figures that if they did come back, then the homeland can be saved.
   Woody, the boss, will interject stating that the Azure Swallowtail is only
   attracted to the Blue Mist Flower.  That's your cue to start investigating.

-  A good first stop is up at Goddess Lake.  The Goddess will basically tell
   you to find someone who is knowledgeable in the area of flowers.  Well, you
   know of two people:  Lyla and Parsley.

-  First stop, Lyla's Flower Shop.  It is also a good idea to bring Pink-Cat-
   Mint flowers to get her to like you even more.  Lyla will basically explain
   that the Blue Mist Flower is a very delicate flower.  It is also only found
   high in the mountains where the elements can't damage it and the weather
   changes aren't as severe.  Other then that, she doesn't know much more about

-  Next, find Parsley.  He's pretty easy to find, just go to anyplace there are
   a lot of plants or flowers.  Be sure to have some walnuts since this seems
   to get Parsley on your good side pretty quickly.  Parsley states that he
   will do some research on the Blue Mist Flower and get back to you.

-  You will need to keep gifting Lyla and Parsley.  Also, go by the Tool Shop.
   When you enter, a CS will have Louis explaining his new invention to Lyla.
   The new invention is a camera and he plans to take the Swallowtails picture
   when that event happens.

-  In about a week, both Lyla and Parsley will show up at your front door.
   Parsley will explain that his research has yielded results.  The results are
   a bag of Blue Mist Flower seeds.  He again explains how to care for the Blue
   Mist Flower.  Now, where is there an area in the mountains to plant this

-  Yep, you guessed it.  Time to take a hike up to Goddess Lake.  When you look
   across the small river, you will see a single plot of dirt.  That is your
   objective.  As you did when planting your crops, take out your hoe and bust
   up the dirt in the plot.  When you press the X button, you will be asked if
   you wish to use the Blue Mist seeds.  Of course you do.  Once they are
   planted, get out your water can and water them.  Now all we have to do is
   wait.  Big note here, if you plant the Blue Mist Flower seeds too late in
   Summer, then you won't be able to finish this ending since Fall will kill

-  You will now need to visit this spot every day with your trusty watering
   can.  You will see the first sprigs of green start to grow out in about 3
   days.  After about 9 days, you will have yourself a full grown, genuine,
   Blue Mist Flower.

-  A CS will occur when the plant is fully grown.  Parsley will approach you
   as you look at the flower.  He will state that he didn't really believe it,
   but he is glad that the flower took.  Since he is trying to find himself (I
   suppose), he has decided to leave the area and travel on to do bigger and
   better things.

-  Now you must wait for the Azure Swallowtail.  If you go up the mountain
   during the evening (usually anytime after 6:30pm), you will see the Goddess
   and the Sprites admiring the flower.  The Goddess will basically state that
   all everyone can do now is sit and wait for the Swallowtail.

-  Continue to visit the area daily.  Around the third day or soon thereafter
   another CS will occur.  You will approach the meadow and see the Azure
   Swallowtail hovering above the Blue Mist Flower.  Soon Lyla and Louis come
   to join you.  Then Louis sets up and snaps a picture of the Swallowtail
   while Lyla proudly poses by the flower.  Louis then explains that he will
   send the picture in and get their reaction to it.

-  Again, another waiting period.  During this time, the flower will eventually
   die no matter what you do.  Just don't do anything to it after it dies.
   After seven days have passed, head up to Goddess Lake in the evening.  A CS
   will happen.  You will see Lyla busy picking up the seeds left behind by the
   flower.  She explains that she can sell these to grow other Blue Mist
   Flowers.  At this time, Louis comes running up to Lyla and you.  He explains
   that due to the picture being published of a rare butterfly, the homeland is
   saved from the developers.  The homeland will now become a wildlife

-  After the credits, you see Lyla and Louis making small talk.  When Lyla de-
   parts, Louis chases after her.


/ 9.2  Bluebird, The /_________________________________________________________

Who's involved:  Louis

-  To start this ending, you must befriend Louis.  He is easy to befriend, just
   feed him eggs.  After a while, he will become more chatty with you.

-  On a Saturday evening after 6pm, head over to Maple Lake.  A CS will occur
   where you see Louis jamming on his flue.  You will also see a bunch of birds
   fluttering around him listening.  After a bit, your character will go over
   to Louis and both of you will feed the birds.  At this time, Louis will give
   you a flute and tell you to practice.

-  Continue to give Louis eggs and definitely continue to practice with your
   flute.  It will aid you greatly in working with your dog.  See more about
   this in Chapter 16.4.

-  Head down to the lake again on a Saturday evening after 6pm.  You will spot
   Lyla standing behind some brush listening while Louis plays his flute.
   After a little bit, both Lyla and you will head down to chat with Louis.
   Lyla asks him to play but Louis gets all flustered and messes up.  After
   Lyla leaves, Louis tells you about the Bluebird.  He hopes that by playing
   his flute, he will be able to see one.  Woody, the carpenter's boss, steps
   into the scene.  He explains that the Bluebirds were basically hunted to
   extinction and he hasn't seen one in a lot of years.  After this, everybody
   heads home.

-  In a week or two, Louis comes by your farm.  He asks if you have been
   practicing your flute playing.  He then asks if you would like to go down
   to the lake and play a tune with him.  Of course you will answer yes.  Once
   you both are at the lake, a mini-game commences.  The mini-game goes like


-  You will be standing beside Louis on the left side of the screen.  There
   will be a musical note above your head.
-  Louis basically explains that you must play the notes he is playing.  That
   is, when the note briefly lights up next to the note above your head, you
   must play that note on your flute.  The notes are color coded in conjunction
   with the directional keypad.  The notes are:

   Green is up
   Blue is down
   Pink is left
   Red is right.

-  Louis will start to play.  Do your best to keep up with the notes he sends
   you.  The sequence of notes are as follows:

   G,P,P,B,B,R,B,P,R,G,G,P,P,R,G,R,B,P; a total of 56 notes.

-  If you only miss 5-7 notes, a CS will show a Bluebird flying around Louis
   and you.  If you miss more then that, Louis will state that was pretty good,
   but he knows you can do better thereby restarting the mini-game again if you


-  When the Bluebird flies around, it will drop a feather.  Louis will pick it
   up and seem to wonder what to do next.  After a hurried explanation, he runs
   off toward his shop.

-  Talk to the Goddess and she will tell you she doesn't know what is going to
   happen.  About 2 weeks later, Louis will come by your home and tell you that
   the blue feather he sent has saved the homeland.  He explains since the
   Bluebird is so rare, they aren't or can't do any developing.  To celebrate,
   Louis and you head over to the lake to jam on your flutes.

-  After the credits, Louis asks the significance of the blue feather.  Your
   character explains it is given to somebody that one loves.  Enter Lyla.  She
   thinks the story is sweet.  Louis gets up his courage and chases after her.
   Fade out.

                    *** THE BLUEBIRD ENDING COMPLETED ***

/ 9.3  Cake Contest, The /_____________________________________________________

Who's involved:  Katie, Dia, and Wallace

-  To start this ending off, you must get to be friends with Katie.  She likes
   Moondrop Flowers so start loading her up with these flowers.

-  One day, when you enter the Cafe and Bar, a CS will occur.  Katie will
   basically explain that she wants to enter a cake-baking contest.  The only
   problem is the fact that Katie isn't a very good cook.  However, she has
   heard a rumor that you have your grandmother's recipe to make a cake to die
   for.  Wallace interjects that it was the best cake that he had ever had.
   About this time, Gwen comes by and makes a snide remark about making cakes.
   Now, to find the recipe.

-  By talking to everyone around the area, you now have a good idea where the
   recipe is.  Go back to your one room house.  See that chest-for-drawers on
   the left.  Go over there and press the X button.  Lo and behold, it's your
   grandmother's recipe.  Once you have obtained it, the recipe will show up
   in your key items inventory.

-  Now, head back over to the Cafe and Bar and a CS will occur where you give
   the recipe to Katie.  She looks it over and tells you that she needs a
   golden egg, golden milk, and Moon Drop Dew.  The first two should be easy to
   get, but the third is beyond her.  Wallace interjects that he's not too sure
   about the third ingredient either.  Looks like more investigative work.

-  Your investigation leads you to Clove Villa, Dia specifically.  This means
   you will have to feed Dia a few blueberries until she actually may like you
   a bit.

-  During a day when Dia is in her house, enter the house.  A CS occurs where
   Dia gets out a book to give to Katie regarding the making of Moon Drop Dew.
   Once you have book in hand, head back over to the Cafe and Bar.  When you
   encounter Katie, your character will hand her the book.  Katie states she
   will get back to you on making the Moon Drop Dew.

-  Return to the Cafe and Bar in a few days and Katie will tell you exactly how
   Moon Drop Dew is made.  It apparently is created up at Goddess Lake by the
   light of the full moon.  Full moon days are the 14th, 15th, 29th, and 30th.
   You also have to be there at 9pm.  Katie also states that at that time, your
   character's true love will appear.

-  So, after waiting for one of the above days, head up to Goddess Lake.  Now,
   whatever gal you have been closest to, besides Katie, will show up at the
   lake.  It probably will be Dia since you had to get friendly with her to get
   the book.  It could be, though, another gal.  Anyway, there will be some
   chit-chat back and forth until a glowing urn appears.  The urn collects the
   moon's light and your character's and gal's "love" for each other and puts
   that in the urn also.  After the scene is over, your gal states she will
   take the urn to Katie.

-  This part can be done anytime after Katie tells you what she needs.  Give
   her the golden egg and milk.  She will thank you and start to work on the

-  Go back to the Cafe and Bar after a few days and Katie will have you sample
   her stuff.  It won't come out that good as indicated by your characters
   reaction.  Katie states for you not to worry that it will come out good for
   the contest.

-  After a few days, go back again to the Cafe and Bar and Katie will state
   that she has entered the cake into the contest.  Now all you have to do is

-  When a week has passed, Katie, Lyla, and Gwen show up at your farm.  Katie
   tells you excitedly that her cake won first prize and even got a write up.
   Since her cake won, the developers can't do anything to the homeland since
   it's now famous for Katie's great cake.  Scene ends with all of you heading
   down the road.

-  After the credits, Katie basically states she wants to go to different
   places but hopes you'll stay behind for her to come back to.  After a tender
   moment, your character agrees.  Fade out.

                  *** THE CAKE CONTEST ENDING COMPLETED ***

/ 9.4  Endangered Weasel, The /________________________________________________

Who's Involved:  Gwen, the Harvest Sprites

-  To start this ending off, start giving Gwen gifts.  She really likes sweets
   so load her up on berries.  If you can, golden milk will make her your
   instant devotee.  Anyway, after a few days, the Harvest Sprites will invade
   your home in the morning.  They excitedly exclaim that something is picking
   on them and they want you to take a look.  So, you and the sprites head over
   to Goddess Lake.  From the shelter of the weeds, you see a furry white
   critter busy poking around the trees.  This is what is "terrorizing" them.
   Gwen comes upon the scene and threatens anyone who harms her furry friend

-  Go to the Harvest Goddess next to see what you can do about this.  The
   Goddess suggests that you spread the word about this rare white weasel.
   Obviously, if you have a rare weasel on your lands, developers cannot come

-  Continue giving gifts to Gwen.  One morning, she will show up at your farm.
   She will basically explain that she is in a moral crisis.  On one hand, she
   wants to see the homeland saved.  On the other hand, though, she doesn't
   want to exploit Snowball to save the homeland.  She doesn't think that would
   be very fair.  She basically states she has to think about it and will get
   back to you on her answer since she seems to be the only one that Snowball
   comes to.

-  As always, keep buttering her up with gifts.  In about a week, Gwen will
   come by the farm.  She tells you that Louis made a camera and she decides
   it is time to take action.  She tells you to meet her at Goddess Lake at 7pm
   to get a picture.  Well, you arrive at Goddess Lake ready to snap a photo.
   Gwen shows up and hides with you with the camera.  Unfortunately, this isn't
   a good night for weasel pictures and Gwen basically tells you this.  She
   tells you that she will think about trying it again.

-  Give her some more gifts and after about 2 weeks, she will again show up at
   your farm.  Once again, she tells you to meet her at Goddess Lake at 7pm to
   get a picture of Snowball.  You arrive at 7pm as before and Gwen comes with
   camera at the ready.  This time, the weasel makes its appearance and she
   gets off a couple of shots.  After the weasel runs off she states that she
   hopes the pictures came out.

-  A week later, Louis and Gwen come up to your farm.  Louis holds up a book
   and states the picture is in it.  Apparently, the weasel is an endangered
   animal.  Because of this, the whole area will be declared a nature preserve
   area.  Gwen still seems to have her doubts about taking the picture but she
   states at least the weasel will be happy and can live its life to the

-  After the ending credits, Gwen and your character are sitting on top of your
   barn.  Gwen starts talking about deciding between right and wrong and how
   it's relative to life.  She soon realizes that one has to make mistakes in
   life and all you can do is go forward.  Gwen then asks you character to bend
   down.  After your character bends down, she plants a big kiss on him.  Fade


/ 9.5  Fishy Story, A /________________________________________________________

Who's Involved:  Joe, Kurt, Woody

-  To get this story started, you will need to talk to Joe when he is fishing.
   He will tell you that don't get used to the place because it won't be around
   for long.

-  Go back in a couple of days and talk to Joe again.  At this time, he will
   give you a fishing pole.  The fishing pole is pretty bad but you must learn
   how to use it.  Get used to catching a lot of boots and cans with it.  Plus,
   you will mostly be able to catch small fish with a few medium fish (rarely).
   Be sure to give Joe the medium fish since he tells you to throw the small
   fish back.

-  After you catch 3 or so fish (any size), meet up with Joe at the lake in the
   evening.  He will be there Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6-8pm.  A CS
   will occur where Joe will tell you about the legendary Silver Fish.  He
   states that he has never seen it but it would be cool if somebody could
   catch it.  Joe, though, figures it is probably just a legend.

-  Continue to attempt to catch more fish.  After you catch 3 or so more fish,
   go to visit Joe again during the evening.  He will ask how your fishing is
   going.  Regardless of the answer you give him, Joe will tell you that he
   will go chat with Louis about stocking a better fishing pole.  Joe then
   heads off.

-  The next day, head over to the Tool Shop (if it's open) and purchase the
   Silver Fishing Pole.  It will set you back 4500G but it is definitely worth
   the price.  Then head over to the lake to test it out.  You will now be able
   to catch any size fish with it and less junk (or so it seemed to me anyway).

-  Now, catch 3 or so medium or big fish and once again head off to the lake to
   visit Joe in the evening.  While you and Joe are chatting, Joe notices a
   silver streak gliding through the water.  He now is more sure then ever that
   the Silver Fish isn't a legend, but it is a fact.  He is now ready to
   attempt to catch the Silver Fish.

-  It is now time to start becoming friends with Kurt.  He loves tomatoes so
   start giving him tomatoes every day.

-  On a Tuesday or Thursday, head over to the Carpenters Shop.  A CS will occur
   with Woody, the boss.  He will tell you he believes that the Silver Fish is
   heaven sent.  He has never seen it but wishes you luck on finding it.  As
   soon as that scene is over, another CS occurs with the Harvest Goddess and
   Sprites.  She basically tells you she doesn't know much about the Silver
   Fish but she will research it and get back to you.  After that happens, Kurt
   will come by and give you an odd look (remember, only your character can see
   the Goddess and Sprites).  He will then state that you probably need more
   sleep since you're talking to yourself.

-  Catch a few more medium or big fish (3 or 4) and head back to the lake in
   the evening to talk to Joe.  Joe will still be wondering about the Silver
   Fish when the Sprites appear.  They explain that the Silver Fish only
   appears on moonlit nights.  That means it appears on the 14th, 15th, 29th,
   and 30th.  That was the reason you had seen it the other night with Joe.
   When the Sprites disappear, Joe also gives you a funny look and tells you
   that you need more sleep.

-  Since you have probably been giving gifts to Kurt, he will visit your farm
   about 7 days after the above takes place.  He shyly states he doesn't
   believe the legend of the Silver Fish but he doesn't totally disbelieve it
   either.  He is willing to make a deal with you.  Since Woody has him
   collecting herbs, he asks if you will collect them.  If you do, he will
   repay you kindly.  Time to go herb hunting.

-  You probably have a big stash of herb already from lots of foraging.  When
   you have 10 herbs, go visit Kurt anytime.  Give him the herbs and he tells
   you that he will be back in a few days to repay you.

-  About 4 days later, Kurt will show up at your farm again.  In his hand he
   has a fishing rod.  He explains that he imagined what the Silver Fish looked
   like so he designed the rod specifically for that purpose.  He also states
   that he believes you have a better chance of catching the Silver Fish then
   Joe.  So now you have the Silver Fish rod.  All you have to do is wait for a
   moonlit night.

-  When that moonlit day rolls around, head to the lake in the early evening.
   Now, this will be the most frustrating part of this ending.  The Silver Fish
   is a semi-random event.  That means, you may have to cast out in the water
   for a while before you catch it.  There is no pattern so just cast anywhere.
   The only consistent thing I have found is that it's one of the larger
   objects.  It will also be an object that you actually have to move your line
   to, unlike other fish which always appear under your line after you have
   cast it into the water.  Eventually, you will catch the Silver Fish.  You
   will know because when you display your catch, it will be shimmering silver.

-  Joe will be standing next to you and be totally amazed you caught the fish.
   Then your character will release the fish back into the lake.  Joe will ask
   why you did that as the fish swims rapidly away.  He then realizes that it's
   good you released it.  Of course, you got a souvenir before the release; a
   silver scale.  You hand it to Joe to send off.  Joe takes it to send off to
   a magazine.

-  A week later, Joe, Kurt, and Katie show up at your farm.  Katie pulls out
   a brochure that talks about the Silver Fish.  Since the fish is so rare,
   developers can't come in.  It also means that the lake will now have
   restricted fishing.  Joe is happy that the homeland is saved but sad
   because he won't be able to fish anymore.

-  After the ending, your character visits Joe.  Joe, of course, is fishing
   one last time before they restrict fishing.  Joe and your character chat for
   a while before Katie enters.  She basically states she still cannot figure
   out this fishing thing then drags Joe off on a date.  Fade out.

                   *** A FISHY STORY ENDING COMPLETED ***

/ 9.6  Goddess Dress, The /____________________________________________________   

Who's involved:  Gina, Katie, Dia, Louis, Harvest Goddess

-  This ending starts off by your character giving gifts to Gina, Martha's
   daughter.  Very Berries will do nicely to get her to warm up to you.  After
   a few days, Gina comes to visit you on the farm.  Gina inquires about the
   Flower Festival in Flowerbed City since that's where your character is from.
   She has heard about the Goddess Robes that are worn.  This year, she wants
   to make a new design and wow and amaze them at the festival.  She asks for
   your help in achieving this.

-  Now, it's time to find somebody to design the robe.  Who better the Katie.
   Using Moondrop Flowers and sweets will win Katie to your side in no time.
   One morning, Katie will show up at your farm.  She will tell you that she
   has made a few sketches of the Goddess Dress for Gina and wants your opinion
   on them.  Your character goes into great detail prompting Katie to wonder if
   you had seen the goddess yourself.

-  After this exchange, head up to Clove Villa.  When you enter, a CS will
   occur.  You will see Gina and Katie under a tree discussing ideas on making
   the Goddess Dress.  Soon, Dia comes out of the house hollering for Gina.
   When she finds her, she states in a snippy manner that Gina needs to find
   her scarf.  Katie waves goodbye to Gina and runs off, then Gina leaves.
   Before Dia leaves, she sees your character and also runs off.  Now it's time
   to start buttering up Dia with blueberries.  It will take some doing though.

-  Head up to Goddess Lake and a CS will occur.  The Goddess tells you in order
   to make a Goddess Dress, you must have silk thread.  In addition, the
   material is dyed with Very Berries and woven with moonlight.  Your character
   seems a big angered by all of this but the Goddess explains that all you
   need to do is bring the thread, she will do the rest.

-  Well, where else to get fine thread then at the Tool Shop.  You may have to
   bribe Louis with a couple of eggs but he will announce, when you talk to him
   that the silk thread is in.  Purchasing the silk thread will set you back

-  Once you have the silk thread in your key items area, head back to Goddess
   Lake.  A CS will occur where the Goddess will take the thread.  She will
   then state she will start working on the cloth and get back to you.

-  In about 2 weeks, the Harvest Goddess and Sprites will visit your home one
   morning.  She will proudly announce that they have completed the work on the
   Rainbow Cloth.  She then hands it to your character.  The Sprites then
   complain about how hard the Goddess made them work.

-  Now, you need to head up to Clove Villa.  The key to getting the cloth to
   Gina is to make sure that she is inside Clove Villa before you talk to her.
   She is usually in the Villa at 11am except Saturdays.  When you enter, a CS
   will occur.  Martha will greet your character then she will call for Gina.
   Gina will come down the stairs.  After she is next to you, your character
   will then hand her the Rainbow Cloth.  Gina will comment on how beautiful
   the cloth is and wonder how in the world your character got it.  After your
   character attempts to explain, Gina comments that she doesn't understand and
   maybe it's better that way.

-  During the time the cloth is being turned into a dress, continue to be
   friendly with the key characters and giving them gifts.  Eventually, after
   3-4 weeks when you visit Clove Villa, a major CS will occur.  Gina and Katie
   will be sitting under a tree while Gina is busy sewing the dress.  Martha
   calls out to Gina and Gina responds.  Then Dia wanders out of the Villa and
   questions Gina as to why she is hanging around Katie.  Dia then chews out
   Gina for neglecting her duties.  Katie, in turn, lets loose on Dia.  Dia
   then runs off for a good cry.  Your character goes to comfort and chat with
   her.  Dia then returns to the group, apologizes, and offers to help.  Gina
   comments that Dia would be a good model for the Goddess Robe.

-  The next day Gina and Dia will visit your farm.  Dia is now modeling the
   Goddess Robe.  Gina states that she is sending it in to Flowerbud City for
   the contest.

-  A week later, Gina, Dia, and Katie come up to your farm.  Gina's Goddess
   Robe has taken first place in the festival.  Katie pulls out a brochure
   stating in addition, they want Gina to teach others how to sew.  They will
   set up dying workshops and sewing classes in Sugar Valley.  As that scene
   fades, a scene with the Harvest Goddess and Sprites appears.  She basically
   states it will be getting noisy and busy around there although the village
   has been saved.  The Sprites are still complaining about having to do work.

-  After the ending credits, Gina comes up to your farm.  She thanks your
   character for all his help.  In addition, Gina states that it was your
   character that motivated her and gave her the strength to keep her going.
   Gina gets embarrassed as she gets closer to your character and runs off with
   your character following.  Fade out.


/ 9.7  Horse Race, The /_______________________________________________________

Who's involved:  Bob, Gwen

-  Start this ending off by giving gifts to Bob and Gwen.  Both love sweets so
   this shouldn't be too hard.  If you don't have a horse yet, then you will
   need to work at the farm to get one.  See Chapter 16.3 for getting the

-  Once you have a horse, make sure you groom and talk to him/her every day.
   At first, when you try to ride your horse, it will rear up.  Once you get
   one heart, however, you will be able to ride your horse at a slow pace.

-  When you are able to ride your horse, a CS will occur the next morning.  It
   will show you brushing your horse and talking to it.  Bob shows up and
   compliments you on being able to ride your horse.  He also states he has
   confidence in your ability to train the horse to run.  Gwen then shows up
   and snidely states that anybody can ride a horse.  She also states that
   nobody will beat her horse.

-  Continue to groom, talk to, and ride your horse.  Eventually, you will have
   your horse at the 5 heart level.  When this occurs, another CS will occur
   the next morning.  Bob once again shows up and compliments you on getting
   the horse in great condition for racing.  He states that now it is time to
   train the horse for racing.  To achieve this, he tell you to come down to
   Brownie Farm and do a Time Attack to see how fast your horse really is.
   Gwen then shows up again and she and Bob argue over whose horse will
   represent the homeland.  They both depart.

-  You heard him, it's now time to do a Time Attack on the racetrack on Bob's
   farm.  When you go into the store, Bob will ask you what you want.  The menu
   will come up but now Time Attack is in the menu along with the Part-Time
   Work.  Highlight Time Attack and Bob will tell you to come down to the track
   and he will time you.  The Time Attack works like this:


-  Bob explains that you must go around the track three times.

-  Bob will tell you that you must beat Gwen's time of 52 seconds.

-  When you are ready to go, just push the R3 analog stick up or the keypad
   direction up.  I found the keypad works better for me but that is personal
   preference.  Try to keep as close to the right fence as possible without
   dragging on it.  Keep your corners sharp and you should have no problem
   beating 52 seconds.  My best time was 50.45 seconds.


-  Once you have beaten Gwen's time, you can continue to go down to improve
   your times even more but your fastest time is what you will end up with.  In
   about 2 weeks, Bob comes to your farm.  He states that you did good on the
   Time Attack but now it was time to face real competition.  Bob challenges
   you to race him and if you can beat him, you are on your way to the races.
   He also states if you don't want to race him, you can come by Thursdays to
   challenge him.

-  This will work just like the Time Attack, instead this time, you are racing
   someone.  Your horse will be on the inside lane which is good.  The goal is
   to keep on the inside track and don't let Bob push you out.  You should be
   ahead of him by lap one and beat him with a few seconds to spare.  Once you
   win, Bob will state that your horse is ready for the race.  Gwen shows up
   and states that the test isn't over yet.  You must beat her to prove once
   and for all your horse is the best.  Race Gwen like you raced Bob and you
   should have no problem.  Once you beat Gwen, she will concede that your
   horse is the best.  Bob tells you to take care of your horse because the
   race is in 2 weeks.

-  One morning, Gwen will show up at your farm.  She will tell you that she is
   disappointed about losing out but she is glad your horse is in the race.
   She gives you a Lucky Charm so that your horse wins.  Then she runs off.

-  A week after beating Bob and Gwen, Bob will come by your farm.  He is just
   there to remind you that the race is in 1 week and to make sure that your
   horse is in top condition.

-  The day of the race.  Bob shows up at your farm and takes your horse with
   him to compete in the race.

-  The next day, Gwen and Bob show up at your farm.  They exclaim that your
   horse won the race.  Since your horse won the race, they have to hold the
   races in homeland next year.  Since that is the case, the developers can't
   come in and do anything with the area.

-  After the ending credits, your character, Bob, and Gwen are all on the race-
   track.  After a little idle chit-chat, the three of you run your horses
   around the track.  Fade out.

                   *** THE HORSE RACE ENDING COMPLETED ***

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